ARENA | Film
The Emperor Norton (1966)
Season 7, Episode 23, of Bonanza (NBC)
The Emperor Norton Trust has contributed this film to the Internet Archive. It can be viewed below or at the Archive (here). *
To view other films in our ARchive of Emperor Norton in Art, Music & Film (ARENA), see the Film section here.
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Production company NBC
Audio-Visual sound, color
Run time 52:12
Original air date 27 February 1966
Produced by David Dortort
Teleplay by Robert Sabaroff
Story by Gerry Prince Young & Robert Sabaroff
Directed by William F. Claxton
Associate Producer James W. Lane
Story Consultant Denne Petitclerc
Music by David Rose
Director of Photography Haskell Boggs, A.S.C.
Production Manager Kent McCray
Color Consultant Edward P. Ancona, Jr.
Song ("Bonanza") by Jay Livingston & Ray Evans
Art Direction Hal Pereira & Earl Hedrick
Edited by Marvin Coil, A.C.E
Casting Supervisor William Maybery
Assistant Director Don Daves
Set Decoration Robert Benton; Grace Gregory
Sound Recording Lyle Figland; Joel Moss
Makeup Supervision Wally Westmore, S.M.A.
Hair Style Supervision Nellie Manley, C.H.S.
Emperor Norton Sam Jaffe
Ben Cartwright Lorne Greene
Eric "Hoss" Cartwright Dan Blocker
Joseph "Little Joe" Cartwright Michael Landon
Crawford Parley Baer
Milner John Napier
Roy Coffee Ray Teal
Hop Sing Victor Sen Yung
Judge Charles Irving
Harris Tom Palmer
Mark Twain William Challee
Woman Audrey Larkin
Added to the Archive 16 April 2017
* DISCLAIMER: This film may be under copyright. We present it here strictly for non-commercial, educational purposes.