RECENT RESEARCH — A newly unearthed photograph showing the north side of the 600 block of Commercial Street, San Francisco, in the aftermath of the earthquake and fires of 1906 reveals, for the first time, visual evidence of the fate of the building that housed the Eureka Lodgings, where Emperor Norton lived from 1864–65 until his death in 1880. Our analysis of the photo sharpens the focus on the identities and locations of the buildings along this stretch — and exactly what each building suffered in 1906. Includes our highly researched new infographic that can be used as a tool for understanding the history of this location.

The Emperor Norton Trust



Travel Documentarian Calls for Bay Bridge to Be Named for Emperor

Timothy "Speed" Levitch is — among many other things — a travel documentarian. Perhaps "travel philosopher" is a better term.

At any rate: The first episode of Up to Speed, Levitch's brilliantly offbeat 2012 travel series on Hulu, is about San Francisco. The episode includes a fabulous segment on Emperor Norton that concludes with Levitch calling for the whole Bay Bridge to be named for him.

The segment starts just after 12:20 and runs for about four minutes.

Alas, if you're not a Hulu subscriber, you'll have to wade through some advertising.

But it's well worth the wade. ;)

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