Empire Day Dedication & Celebration of Emperor Norton Place
Left to right: (1) Emperor Norton, between spring 1871 and spring 1872. From carte de visite by Tuttle & Johnson studio, 523 Kearny Street, "Heliographic Artists." Collection of the California Historical Society. (2) Emperor Norton Place street sign, at the northwest corner of Montgomery and Kearny Streets, San Francisco. (3) Eureka Lodgings building, 624/626/628 Commercial Street, San Francisco, early 1906. Detail of photograph credited to Treu Ergeben (T.E.) Hecht (1875–1937). Photo #AAB–3457, San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection, San Francisco Public Library. Source: SFPL
Announcement and details of the official dedication and celebration of “Emperor Norton Place” as the City and County of San Francisco’s commemorative name for the 600 block of Commercial Street, between Montgomery and Kearny Streets — where Emperor Norton is documented to have lived from sometime between summer 1864 and summer 1865 until his death in January 1880.
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