The Emperor Norton Trust



Filtering by Tag: manuscript

Did the King of Hawaii Recognize Emperor Norton Over the United States Government?

The Mythology of Emperor Norton is a kind of catechism. But, it’s a messy catechism that includes a wide range of tenets of High, Mid, Low, and, yes, No historical pedigree.

A relatively recent addition to the catechism — which seems to have made its first appearance only about 25 years ago — rests on the claim that Kamehameha V, King of the Hawaiian Islands from 1863 until his death in 1872, recognized the authority of Emperor Norton over that of the United States government.

We’d never seen any effort to authenticate this apparently undocumented claim — so, we decided to have a look under the hood.

As far as we can tell, there is no evidence whatsoever to back it up.

Our deep-dive does find all sorts of other interesting things on the way to debunking, including

  • the obscure roots of one of the earliest instances of the Kamehameha V claim — on the Emperor Norton Records website;

  • a rarely seen manuscript of an undated letter from Emperor Norton to Kamehameha V; and

  • how, even here in the supposedly enlightened 2020s, academics (who should know better) and a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ditto) fell prey to a bogusly sourced line in a Wikipedia article — proving that Stephen Colbert's nearly-20-year-old warnings about "truthiness" and "Wikiality" still have punch.

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Emperor Norton's Note to the Ladies of the German Benevolent Society

In early 1878, it appears, Emperor Norton penned a note "[t]o the Ladies Fair of the German Benevolent Association." When the item was sold at auction in October 2012, the auction house did not attempt to date it. But our research into the first 25 years of the German Benevolent Society, as it was called — a period that roughly paralleled the reign of the Emperor — points to the week of 27 February to 5 March 1878 as the specific moment when he reached out to say when he would be "glad to greet" these Ladies. Read on to learn more.

Also on the flip: A large, hi-res image of the Emperor's note, presented here for the first time anywhere online.

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© 2025 The Emperor Norton Trust  |  Site design: Alisha Lumea  |  Background: Original image courtesy of Eric Fischer