PROJECTS :: Book of Selected Proclamations of Emperor Norton
Contact: Founder John Lumea
To help fund this project, please scroll down.
Typical header of a Proclamation of Emperor Norton published in the Pacific Appeal, the black-owned abolitionist weekly that was the Emperor's "imperial gazette" from 1870 to 1876.
The Emperor Norton Trust currently is at work on a book of selected Proclamations of Emperor Norton.
The book is to include full sourcing and a brief historical note for each Proclamation — and, where possible, a photo-scanned image of the Proclamation as it originally appeared in the newspaper that published it.
We also plan to include one or more historical essays about the Emperor, his Proclamations and his world.
Our hope is that, in providing a well-researched and -documented resource that doesn't currently exist within Norton scholarship, this book can become a worthwhile and important contribution with wide appeal — an educational tool that introduces the Emperor to those who don't already know his story, and that enlarges and sharpens the picture of him for those who do.
For a full introduction to this project, please see our original announcement here.
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The Trust is keeping open its options either to seek a publisher for this book of selected Proclamations or to publish the book on its own imprint.
If the latter, we'd like to make the book as beautiful as possible: high-quality design, paper, printing and production; possibly in cloth. We also would like to print enough copies to be able to take advantage of the economies of scale that will enable us to offer the book at a reasonable price.
Either way, we need funds to underwrite the research and writing of the book, including travel to research institutions and scans of original documents.
In that spirit, we invite foundations, organizations and individuals who share our vision for the book to contribute funding support by clicking below. *
A listing of all sponsors will be included in the book.
If you prefer to donate by check, please send to:
The Emperor Norton Trust
250 Poplar Street #3
Boston, MA 02131
Thanks so much!
* The Emperor Norton Trust is a nonprofit endeavor but does not have tax-exempt status. Financial contributions are not tax-deductible.