Emperor Norton Absinthe Dieu
At tomorrow evening's inaugural tweetup of The Emperor's Bridge Campaign*, our host watering hole — Emperor Norton's Boozeland (what else?) — will be mixing up its signature Emperor Norton cocktail — normally $14 — for a ten-spot. Just for us.
The cocktail is made with Emperor Norton Absinthe Dieu, a small-batch absinthe distilled out on Treasure Island by Raff Distillerie.
Emperor Norton Absinthe Dieu, made by Raff Distillerie on Treasure Island.
Boozeland also is offering us $1 off of draft beer until 7 p.m.
Many thanks to my co-host, Tami Twarog, for making these arrangements.
Festivities start at 6. If you plan to attend, please let us know here.
* In December 2019, The Emperor's Bridge Campaign adopted a new name: The Emperor Norton Trust.
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