The Founding Board & Officers of The Emperor's Bridge Campaign
A couple of weeks ago, we announced that The Emperor's Bridge Campaign* had been green-lighted by the California Secretary of State as a California nonprofit public benefit corporation.
Yesterday afternoon, at Comstock Saloon in San Francisco, six supporters of the Campaign — plus another, who found the nearest highway exit and joined us via cellphone from the road — gathered beneath the watchful gaze of the casting of Peter Macchiarini's sculpture of Emperor Norton that presides over Comstock's historic 1907 bar.
In a joyful ceremony lubricated by Sazeracs, Manhattans, Bloody Marys, absinthes and beers — and punctuated by a lot of laughs — here's what we did:
"swore ourselves in" as the Campaign's founding Board of Directors
elected Officers
voted to seek federal tax-exempt 501(c)(4) status
voted to adopt the organization's Bylaws
We also voted to designate our good friend, the late Michael Mattis — who infused the Campaign with much of its founding spirit — as the Campaign's first Member in Memoriam, a posthumous honor provided for in the Bylaws.
The Board and Officers are:
John Lumea President
Sabine Luisi Vice President
Kristian Akseth Secretary
Joseph Amster Treasurer
Rachel Crossman
Mark Hogan
Devin McCutchen
At Comstock Saloon on 23 November 2014, the founding Board of The Emperor's Bridge Campaign (l to r): Rachel Crossman, Joseph Amster, Mark Hogan, Sabine Luisi, John Lumea and Kristian Akseth. (Board member Devin McCutchen not pictured.)
Please join me in congratulating the Campaign on this important milestone.
And stay tuned for details about plans for the coming year and how you can become more involved!
* In December 2019, The Emperor's Bridge Campaign adopted a new name: The Emperor Norton Trust.
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