THIS SUNDAY! Join Us for Our Annual Holiday Toast to the Emperor
THE CHRISTMAS TREE IN UNION SQUARE, SAN FRANCISCO, 1910. Collection of the Oakland Public Library history room.
A great Christmas tree has stood sentinel in Union Square, San Francisco, every holiday season since 1880.
Word is that this was the first public Christmas tree of its kind in the United States — and that it was Emperor Norton (c.1818-1880) who originally called for it, possibly thinking that such a tree would bring particular delight to children.
It's a legend that has the ring of truth.
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Last year, on the second Sunday afternoon of December, The Emperor's Bridge Campaign* celebrated this legend with a holiday party at The House of Shields — a beautifully restored 1908 bar that is just a short walk from Union Square. We called it The First Annual Tannenbaum Toast.
From the beginning, we felt that The Tannenbaum Toast had the makings of a new tradition. The gathering was such a festive success that we vowed to make it so.
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So, kick off the holidays in regal style! Join The Emperor's Bridge Campaign, on the second Sunday afternoon in December, for...
Sunday 14 December 2014, from 4 to 6 p.m.
The House of Shields
39 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco
Raise a glass to the Emperor for his kindness in calling for a great Christmas tree for all to enjoy during the holidays.
And learn more about the Campaign's efforts to foster public awareness, understanding and appreciation of the life and legacy of Emperor Norton — and to become the leading public resource on the Emperor.
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Remarks will begin at around 4:45 p.m., with the formal Toast at 5 o'clock.
Once again, the drink will be The House of Shields's version of the classic Boothby cocktail — created in 1908 by legendary San Francisco bartender William T. "Cocktail" Boothby, during his tenure at the Palace Hotel, just across the street from The House of Shields.
Those who would like an imperial escort to the Toast are invited to join us under the Union Square Christmas tree at 3:30 p.m. We'll be joined by the Emperor as played by Joseph Amster of Emperor Norton's Fantastic San Francisco Time Machine — and will stroll over with him to The House of Shields at about 3:45.
We'll see you in the mezzanine!
Donations will be gratefully accepted.
* In December 2019, The Emperor's Bridge Campaign adopted a new name: The Emperor Norton Trust.
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