Emperor Norton Welcomes the Stranger
Joshua Abraham Norton was an emigrant — first to South Africa, then to the United States.
So — especially in light of the recent elevation of immigration and asylum as topics of national discourse in the U.S. — it's poignant to note the following Proclamation published on 24 April 1875.
Proclamation of Emperor Norton in the Pacific Appeal newspaper, 24 April 1875. Source: California Digital Newspaper Collection.
In view of the large number of emigrants arriving in this city, and being desirous that they should be assisted and protected, We, Norton I, Emperor, etc., do hereby order that the Mechanics' Pavilion building be immediately prepared for their reception, and for transacting their business, in order that they may not be fleeced through the raparity of landlords. The State Treasurer is also directed to see that the emigrants are provided with sufficient money to proceed to their respective destinations, and charge the same to the emigration fund, and take bonds from said emigrants for the repayment of such moneys when able to do so.
Done at our City of San Francisco, this 2lst day of April, 1875.
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