RECENT RESEARCH — A newly unearthed photograph showing the north side of the 600 block of Commercial Street, San Francisco, in the aftermath of the earthquake and fires of 1906 reveals, for the first time, visual evidence of the fate of the building that housed the Eureka Lodgings, where Emperor Norton lived from 1864–65 until his death in 1880. Our analysis of the photo sharpens the focus on the identities and locations of the buildings along this stretch — and exactly what each building suffered in 1906. Includes our highly researched new infographic that can be used as a tool for understanding the history of this location.

The Emperor Norton Trust



Emperor Norton's Neighborhood: Walking Tour to Benefit The Emperor's Bridge Campaign

NOTE: This is an archived announcement of an event that already has taken place. Ticketing links have been removed.

Joseph Amster as Emperor Norton.

Joseph Amster as Emperor Norton.

Five years ago next month, our friend Joseph Amster donned a brass-buttoned blue military coat with gold epaulettes, a befeathered black top hat and — at the time, fake! — beard, and started offering San Francisco historical walking tours in the character of Emperor Norton.

The idea took off. Today, Joseph's "Emperor" is a much-photographed, selfied and tweeted fixture of San Francisco. And his informative and entertaining Emperor Norton-themed tours are among the best-known and most popular historical walking tours in the city. 

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Last year, Joseph led a special edition of his Emperor Norton's Fantastic San Francisco Time Machine tour as a fundraising benefit for The Emperor's Bridge Campaign* — the only nonprofit whose sole mission is to honor the life and advance the legacy of Emperor Norton.

We're delighted to announce that, next month, Joseph will be back with another benefit tour for the Campaign — but this time with a twist! 

The tour Joseph led for us last summer was a version of his "regular" Emperor Norton tour, which includes Norton-specific stories — but which also casts a wider net that takes in the longer arc of San Francisco history from the Gold Rush to the period following the Earthquake and Fires of 1906.

This time around, Joseph will be leading a special "off the menu" tour that focuses exclusively on Emperor Norton sites and stories. This is a tour that Joseph doesn't offer as part of his weekly line-up. 

If you were able to join us for Joseph's tour last year, we hope that you'll join us again for this special Emperor-focused historical walking tour that you can't get anywhere else — including from Joseph!

100% of all ticket sales for this event will go to The Emperor's Bridge Campaign. 

A Special Historical Walking Tour by Joseph Amster's "Emperor Norton"
To Benefit The Emperor's Bridge Campaign

Sunday 12 June 2016 at 3 p.m.

Gather at Portsmouth Square (map).
Upper level, near the Goddess of Democracy statue (location). 

Tickets: $20. Half-price for children 5-10 years old.
Day of tour >>> $5 off with Emissary card

The tour is about 1½ miles long and will last about 2 hours.

Please join us for this special event in support of The Emperor's Bridge Campaign!

* In December 2019, The Emperor's Bridge Campaign adopted a new name: The Emperor Norton Trust.

© 2025 The Emperor Norton Trust  |  Site design: Alisha Lumea  |  Background: Original image courtesy of Erica Fischer