PARTY LIKE IT'S 199! Emperor Norton's 199th Birthday Party
In 1817 — the year before Emperor Norton was born — Joseph Bell, a confectioner in York, England, published, in his Treatise of Confectionery, this illustration of a cake honoring the Prince of Wales. Source: Food History Jottings.
At The Emperor's Bridge Campaign*, we always do our research. And our research makes us 99.9% certain that Joshua Abraham Norton — the future Emperor Norton — was born on 4 February 1818.
We've made it our custom to celebrate the Emperor's birthday every year with a party and cake.
This year, Emperor Norton turns 199 — so, with apologies to Prince...
Please join your fellow citizens of the Empire to
A Party in Salute of Emperor Norton's 199th Birthday
Saturday 4 February 2017 from 7 to 9 p.m.
Emperor Norton's Boozeland
510 Larkin Street (at Turk)
San Francisco (map)
Public toast at 7:30 p.m.
Birthday cake for all
Emperor Norton (by Joseph Amster)
in attendance
Cash bar
Facebook invite
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We'll be surrounded by the wonderful collection of Emperor-themed art that our good friends at Boozeland have assembled in the years since the Campaign held its launch party there in September 2013.
Hope to see you on the 4th!
* In December 2019, The Emperor's Bridge Campaign adopted a new name: The Emperor Norton Trust.