Campaign Welcomes John Law as Advisor
The Emperor's Bridge Campaign* is fortunate and grateful to have a small corps of Advisors that includes some of the most engaged leaders and participants in the San Francisco history community: Charles Fracchia of the San Francisco Museum and Historical Society; Judi Leff of Congregation Emanu-El; and Ron Ross of the San Francisco History Association.
John Law. Photo: Scott Beale / Laughing Squid
The Campaign is delighted to announce the appointment of John Law to join us as our newest Advisor.
As an instigator and participant in many of the most influential Bay Area-launched underground cultural projects and movements of the last 40 years — including the Suicide Club, the Billboard Liberation Front (co-founder), the Cacophony Society (co-founder) and Burning Man (co-founder) — John has been an historian of a most distinctive kind.
A co-author of the book Tales of the San Francisco Cacophony Society (Last Gasp, 2013), John remains a widely respected scholar of these movements — as well as an effective champion of modern-day endeavors in culture and art that are infused with the same spirit of eccentricity and joy as the projects that he has created and nurtured.
John also has been a great friend of the Campaign. As befits someone who both is a founding Cacophonist — the Society counts Emperor Norton as a patron saint — and who has been scaling bridges, both physically and philosophically, for decades. John towed and set up, as "greeters" for our Emperor's 197th Birthday event in February, the Doggie Diner heads he's been restoring — his idea — and he was on hand for our recent inaugural celebration of Empire Day.
Courtesy of John Law, these Doggie Diner heads (in the process of being restored) stand sentinel on the afternoon of 3 February 2015 in front of the Eric Quezada Center for Culture & Politics at 518 Valencia Street in San Francisco. The occasion was The Emperor's 197th Birthday, the Campaign's "party and presentation of recent findings" that evening about Emperor Norton's birth date. Photo: Kristian Akseth.
We thank John for tuning in to The Emperor's Bridge Campaign, and for his willingness to assist our efforts to be interesting in influential ways — and influential in interesting ways.
John understands, as do we, that the Campaign's mission on the Emperor's behalf offers us a wealth of opportunities to do that.
You can read the East Bay Express's recent profile of John Law here.
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* In December 2019, The Emperor's Bridge Campaign adopted a new name: The Emperor Norton Trust.
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