The Emperor Norton Trust



A Proclamation of Thanks to the Campaign's Original Kickstarters of Art & Fashion

SPSA No. 1: Illustration by Lois Hanscom. Design and layout by Mark Hogan.

SPSA No. 1: Illustration by Lois Hanscom. Design and layout by Mark Hogan.


WHEREAS the mission of The Emperor's Bridge Campaign* is to honor the life and advance the legacy of Emperor Norton;

WHEREAS the Emperor long has been a muse for artists of all kinds;

WHEREAS art that is inspired by Emperor Norton and his story is a vital means by which the Emperor's life is honored and his legacy advanced;

WHEREAS the Campaign is committed to documenting, preserving, incubating, publishing and broadcasting this art;

WHEREAS the Campaign established its Sartorial Public Service Announcements project to produce a series of wearable "Emperor art"-ifacts enabling folk to parade, promenade and proclaim the Emperor — and to raise awareness of the Campaign — in the streets and spaces of the Empire;

WHEREAS the Campaign selected Lois Hanscom's rarely seen 1939 illustration of Emperor Norton as the basis for Sartorial Public Service Announcement (SPSA) No. 1 — to be inaugurated as a limited edition t-shirt;

WHEREAS the Campaign used the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform to invite subjects of the Emperor and supporters of the Campaign to help fund a small print run of 72 of these shirts;

WHEREAS these subjects and supporters responded overwhelmingly, providing more than three times the funding that the Campaign initially requested; and

WHEREAS the Campaign, as a result, was able to print 200 shirts, with a small reserve fund left over for other Campaign projects,

BE IT RESOLVED that The Emperor's Bridge Campaign gratefully celebrates the vision and extraordinary generosity of the following loyal subjects of Emperor Norton who pledged to the aforementioned Kickstarter:

Aaron Almanza
Alisha Lumea
Allyn Harley
Amy Nelson
Andrew Dakers
Andy Wernette
Anton J. Souza
Beverly Coughlin
Bill Heilman
Celeste Adamson
Chris Candell
Chris Huning **
Christoper Vermilion
Clark Hartsock
Colleen O'Rourke
Conor McQuaid
Corey Rothermel
Dan Morgan
David Grundler
David Hermeyer
Deb Letner
Devin McCutchen
Diana J. Brodie
Eddie Dinel
Elliot Gluck
Eric Chase
Eric Eslinger
Erin Messer
Factory 1 Design
Francesca Testen
Francis Kelly
Gary "Gus Gus" Gustman
Greg  Carden **
Hazel Dakers **
Heather Miller
James Koberstein
Jane Winhall-Rice **
Jason Berman
Jason Wrinkle
Jeff Hungerford
Jen Kollmer
Jennifer Diaz-Infante
Jesse Chandler
John Carlson
John Lumea
Jonathan Morton
Jonathan Pamplin
Joseph Amster
Joshua Richardson
Judi Leff **
Julian Lozos
Julie Driver
Kasey Ochs
Kat Shreve
Kim Brisack
Kristi Swanson
Lenore Henry
Lesley Olson
Lindsay Fleming
Lindsey Westbrook
Madeline Bernard
Mansel Hutsell
Mark Hogan
Martha Bridegam
Mary Agard
Matt Nash
Matthew S. Dentice
Michael Gratton
Mike Cohen
Mike Murphy
Nate Gillespie
Neil Jacobson
Paul Jennings
Peter Moylan
Raymond Swank
Rianna To
Richard Lee
Rob Hermann
Rob Geyer
Robert Arens
Robert Testen
Robey Pointer
Ronald Pottol
Sadie McFarlane
Samuel Wantman
Sara Harvey
Stacey J. Weinberger
Stephen Cornell
Steve Smoot
Steven Grimm
Tara Brady
Taryn Edwards
Tomas Moreno
William Vega

Given under our hand and seal this sixth day of November 2015, 135 A.N., in San Francisco, the seat of the Empire.


* In December 2019, The Emperor's Bridge Campaign adopted a new name: The Emperor Norton Trust.

** Engraver's Circle ($100 pledge)

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© 2025 The Emperor Norton Trust  |  Site design: Alisha Lumea  |  Background: Original image courtesy of Eric Fischer